Tonight I am reminded of the value of vision. Feeling. Intuition.
As a woman, intuition is God-given. It's when I have ignored it that I got myself in trouble.
My intuition says that trouble is coming. And soon. My intuition is not fear. It is the sense of something that is caving in on our comfortable lives. It has been for a while. It's just that now, we are actually paying attention to it. Not just because of the elections, but because it has started to manifest itself in a more direct way. A more personal way. Being threatened to vote a certain way. Hateful ads. Celebrities telling us to vote for Obama or else. Slogans that use slander alone to target a candidate.
"A good name is better than great riches".
"The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."
Who does your candidate associate with? Only "important" people in the entertainment world? The hurting and lonely? What has he sacrificed to run for president? Who are the steadfast influences in his life? Is he loyal? Honest? Trustworthy? A good husband, father and friend? Own up to his mistakes?Does he use the word "I" more than he uses the word "We"? Is this candidate a team player or a one-man machine? Do you believe him? Or have you been decided for by your country? Your friends?
Are you voting based on red flag issues (abortion, gay-marriage) or constitutional issues? Are you being distracted with entertaining propaganda or staying focused on the issues that affect our entire country's people?
Wherever you stand, stand firm, because I have a feeling its gonna get real shaky in 5 days. Make sure you know the man you stand behind, and where his loyalties lie. Do your research. And search everywhere. Truth WILL set you free. And if you don't feel free, but only fear, go back to the foundation. False peace is no peace at all.
PS- In the meantime, check this out below. I found it interesting.
I'm not a huge obama fan either... but doesn't it bother you that the "steadfast influence" in mitt's life is his mormon faith?
I have a hard time believing that God's answer to all of our problems is the bishop of a cult. I think it's too bad that evangelical christians have decided to ignore this fact for political reasons.
No matter who wins, God help us!