Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Short and Sweet

Tonight I am reminded of the value of vision. Feeling. Intuition.

As a woman, intuition is God-given. It's when I have ignored it that I got myself in trouble.

My intuition says that trouble is coming. And soon. My intuition is not fear. It is the sense of something that is caving in on our comfortable lives. It has been for a while. It's just that now, we are actually paying attention to it. Not just because of the elections, but because it has started to manifest itself in a more direct way. A more personal way. Being threatened to vote a certain way. Hateful ads. Celebrities telling us to vote for Obama or else. Slogans that use slander alone to target a candidate.

"A good name is better than great riches".

"The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."

Who does your candidate associate with? Only "important" people in the entertainment world? The hurting and lonely? What has he sacrificed to run for president? Who are the steadfast influences in his life? Is he loyal? Honest? Trustworthy? A good husband, father and friend? Own up to his mistakes?Does he use the word "I" more than he uses the word "We"? Is this candidate a team player or a one-man machine? Do you believe him? Or have you been decided for by your country? Your friends?
Are you voting based on red flag issues (abortion, gay-marriage) or constitutional issues? Are you being distracted with entertaining propaganda or staying focused on the issues that affect our entire country's people?

Wherever you stand, stand firm, because I have a feeling its gonna get real shaky in 5 days. Make sure you know the man you stand behind, and where his loyalties lie. Do your research. And search everywhere. Truth WILL set you free. And if you don't feel free, but only fear, go back to the foundation. False peace is no peace at all.


PS- In the meantime, check this out below. I found it interesting.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Atlas Shrugged


Just finished watching Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" tonight and "2016: Obama's America". Both excellent and eye opening. To sum up my take away from both, Id have to say that Atlas was great because Taylor Schilling (main actress) carried the story so well and really made the story worth watching. To watch her fight through the political monarchy and redistribution of wealth is maddening because it's the agenda our current president and his administration are trying to shove down our throats. This idea that the government knows our needs better that we do, it's citizens, is absolute bollocks. Our country was founded by the ideals of its citizens, NOT the government format or agenda.  Ayn Rand also focuses on the themes objectivism and capitalism in her work. I highly encourage everyone to watch the movies or read the book to see the stark realities that Ayn Rand predicted in 1957 for our present day circumstances. The trailers are below:

Atlas Shrugged: Part 1

Part 2 released Oct. 12, 2012

Atlas Shrugged: Part 2

More on "2016: Obama's America tomorrow…


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ideas r bulletproof


"Ideas are bulletproof". (spelled "bulletprooph" as blog title cuz name was taken) 

I found a name for my government blog. It came from my favorite movie "V for Vendetta". I also love the line "People shouldn't be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." I see that as being crucial to our mindset as we ban together in the retaliation of all the lies that have been thrown to us. I found out today about the executive order that Obama put through on Friday Oct. 26, 2012 to expand Homeland Security into the states and issue more government control at the state level. Wanna know what that means? The government can issue martial law against its own citizens for its own purposes. You won't be protected by your state laws. You won't even get a fair trial. You are arrested, because you are seen as threat, and shut up like a criminal. Even though you are NOT a criminal, you will be labeled as one for speaking out against the government tyranny and their agenda. Arrested for thinking. Arrested for objecting. Arrested for exposing THEM. You can read more hereIgor Panarin, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, predicted that Obama would declare martial law before the end of 2012. History is repeating itself people. Just like it did in Nazi Germany. I recently went to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. and was struck with the sickening similarities between the collapse of their moral judgement and our country today. It's sick. You have to be delusional to think that this man is capable of being our president. He is a traitor to the American standard and constitution. He is trying to paralyze the American people. Almost like slowly giving us arsenic in our food so that we die a little more each day, and we have no idea. Anyone who is unaware of these things is ignorant. No more excuses for no knowing. YOU MUST WAKE UP. Time is not your friend. It is your enemy. The more time given to corruption by the Obama administration, the more arsenic is is put into the public iv tube. 

I also read about the tragic murder of two young children in NYC and thought, "How tragic…" without a second thought about motive or truth lying underneath it all. The investigation about the death of CNBC senior vice president, Kevin Krim's two young children at the hands of their nanny grows more and more alarming. 1 day after CNBC reported the incriminating story exposing the $43 trillion "Bankster" lawsuit (the largest lawsuit in US History), is when the murders happened. You can read more here.
Wanna know who else was involved with this lawsuit? Attorney General Eric Holder. Shocking? I think not. Piece this puzzle together and expose their fraud for what it is. Blood is on their hands and this time, 2 innocent children's. It's not a coincidence. The nanny had NO motive. Sure, these are my opinions, but think about it. Just stop and think about it. You know how when you are watching a movie like this and you have it all figured out? Who the bad guys are and who the good guys are? Well, it's a lot harder to figure it out in real life, but I can tell you it's far more important than in the movies. And you wanna know another little tidbit? The Obama administration has not pressed any charges against these "Banster's" because their campaign is borrowing from them! That's why the Obama campaign has "raised" over 1 billion plus dollars.

We need to fight fire with fire on these injustices. Knowledge is power. Ideas are bulletproof. No one can take that away from you. No martial law, corrupt president or dictator or rioting group. An idea possesses power and ignites change.

I love this verse below. These words really hit me today as they help me understand how the days are evil and we are called to be warriors for righteousness. It speaks to "exposing the darkness":  

6Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7Therefore do not be partners with them.
8For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10and find out what pleases the Lord. 11Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
“Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”
15Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
21Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Be encouraged. Stand on firm foundation. If you have not found your firm foundation, keep seeking. The truth is ALWAYS around us, only waiting to be perceived. 


Up Too Late

10/27/12 2:30am
Im up again. WAY too late. This keeps happening because my mind wont slow down. All I can think about is how to start a revolution here in America. To take back our country. To establish a unified private sector of citizens who have platforms, brains and humility. To find the David's in the midst of the Goliath's. I keep digging deeper and deeper into the Hebrew language and watched a shocking video tonight about the meaning of Barack Obama's name in Hebrew. It means "Lighting that came from the heavens". The term used in Luke to describe when Satan was cast down from Heaven. Ill have to research it more, but it seemed so wild. I know that Revelation speaks of the times we are in and I was reading Daniel this morning. I keep turning to these Biblical books of prophecy and am peeling layers of the pages that echo the state our country, people and world are in right now.

We bought food, candles, batteries and a few other things because Hurricane Sandy is supposed to hit on Sunday Oct. 28, 2012. I have been praying that it would not pass through this area because I got Sunday off from work so I could go to the Mitt Romney Rally in Haymarket, VA with my friend Jill. We are going to fast all day for the safety, protection and favor of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Their campaign, their families, and as they wage war against the evil trying to take over our country. They have been put here for such a time as this. They are the David's against the Goliath (Obama and Admin). I put no trust of salvation in any man, but see a strong moral code within the Romney Ryan campaign. 

I bought a Guy Fawkes mask at the Halloween store today. I felt so compelled when I saw it and bought it. The movie "V for Vendetta" has had a profound effect on my life and spirit. Lord, what am I to do with this knowledge and drive to be vindicated against evil? To fight for the oppressed? To make a difference with my life. To protect these fragile freedoms which are slipping from our hands? To fight and die while trying. I must admit my fear to you Lord and not be driven by it, but be driven by Your hand and Spirit alone. You know that hidden fear in my heart and I pray to be set free from it. This particular seed of fear was planted while watching a specific scene from a movie recently. O Lord! Sometimes the fear overwhelms me so much that I feel paralyzed. I hate it but its true. The very thought of it paralyzes me. I need Your strength. I need Your courage. The days ahead may hold many fears but I trust Your words,

"FOR I HAVE NOT GIVEN YOU A SPIRIT OF fear, BUT A SPIRIT OF power, love and self-discipline." 

I see evil in the world like I have never seen before. I have a discernment and hunger for truth and to speak it boldly. I feel your prompting to be bold and courageous. I have not idea how or when, but until I do, I will be prepared and continue to stay saturated in Your precious Words, and keep updated on the events taking place as well as the injustices. I also checked out Wikileaks website today. Pretty cool stuff. I hope Julian Assange keeps putting this info out there and doesnt become corrupt himself with the power or fortunes it may bring him. 

Maybe reporting. Undercover. I could dress up. Use my acting ability. Help a worthy cause. Help expose frauds like Jim Moran and his son (endorsed voter fraud on tape). Maybe I should look into working with Project Veritas. I just pulled up the website and found that they are seeking volunteer writer and journalists. Lord, I feel the pull. But I give it to you and will sleep on it. I feel excited...

May all I do and say please you and bring glory to your kingdom. I have forgotten that and it brings me to tears. I have forgotten about your kingdom in my daily living. Im so sorry Lord. Im so so sorry. Please forgive me. I have been so selfish and distracted. Thank you for this jolt. Thank you for waking me up to Your Words and Your purposes. 

Humbly yours, 
